Boston vs New York - a comparison


New York City is the most populous city in the US.

Boston is the 24th most populous city in the US.


New York City - New York State  New york city is the largest city of New York state. It is NOT the capital city of New York state.

Boston - Massachusetts state  Boston is the capital of Massachusetts.

Tallest building

New York City - One World Trade Center (1,776 ft/541.3 meters) (Currently the tallest building in the US.)

Boston - John Hancock Tower (790 ft/240.8 meters)

Both Boston and New York City were settled around 1625.

The cost of living is higher in New York City. Both Boston and New York are among the most expensive US cities.


New York City - Winter are cold and summer are warm and humid. Boston - Winters are cold and snowy, summers are warm.  Boston is generally COLDER than New York. The city also gets more snow.

Famous sports teams

New York City - New York Giants (NFL), New York Yankees (MLB), New York Knicks (NBA), etc

Boston - New England Patriots (NFL), Boston Red Sox (MLB), Boston Celtics (NBA)


New York City - Mid-Atlantic region Boston - New England region

New York City (NYC) vs Los Angeles (LA) - a comparison