California vs Oregon - a comparison

California is nearly 1.7 times larger than Oregon. AREA RANK IN THE US California - 3rd Oregon - 9th

Mount Hood


California - around 39.5 million (2020) Oregon - around 4.2 million (2020)


California - 1st Oregon - 27th

Population rank in the US

California - Los Angeles Oregon - Portland

Largest city

Capital city

California - Sacramento Oregon - Salem

California - Mount Whitney (14,505 ft/4,421 m) Oregon - Mount Hood (11,249 ft/3,429 m)

Highest mountain

Mount Whitney

California became a state of the US on 9 September, 1850. Oregon became a state of the US on 14 February, 1859.

California - The Golden State Oregon - The Beaver State 


California - Western United States Oregon - Western United States


Pacific Ocean

California 1. Los Angeles 2. San Diego 3. San Jose

Top 3 largest cities

Oregon 1. Portland 2. Salem 3. Eugene