Olympic National Park  vs  Mount Rainier National Park

Red Section Separator


Olympic National Park is nearly four times larger than Mount Rainier National Park.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Olympic  National Park - Mount Rainier  National Park -


Established in

Mount Rainier National Park is much older. Olympic National Park - 29 June 1938 Mount Rainier National Park - 2 March 1899

Has coastline

Olympic  National Park - Mount Rainier  National Park -


Both Olympic and Mount Rainier National Parks have American Black bears but no Grizzly bears.

White Line

Number of bird species

Olympic National Park has around 300 species of birds. Mount Rainier National Park provides a safe home to nearly 200 species of birds.

Highest mountain peak inside the National Park

Olympic National Park Mount Olympus (7,980 ft/2,430 meters) Mount Rainier National Park Mount Rainier (14,417 ft/4,394 meters)

Nearest big City

Olympic National Park - Port Angeles Mount Rainier National Park - Tacoma


Olympic NP Black bear, Elk, Black-tailed Deer, Cougar, Coyote, Olympic Marmot, Bobcat, etc Mount Rainier NP  Black bear, Cascade Red Fox, Cougar, Coyote, Bobcat, Black-tailed Deer, Elk, etc

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