one-horned Rhinoceros
Indian Rhinoceros is one of the five extant species of Rhinos in the world.
Large male iNDIAN rHINOS weigh around 2,200 kilograms
Large male iNDIAN rHINOS weigh around 2,200 kilograms
As the name suggests, Indian Rhinos have a single horn. There are multiple skins folds that give the Rhino an armoured appearance
There are currently 4000-5000 Indian Rhinos living in the wild in protected forests of India and Nepal
Thanks to the conservation efforts, Rhino population both in India and Nepal is on the rise
best place to see rhino in India
Kaziranga National Park, Assam
Best place to see rhino in Nepal
Chitwan National Park
historical range
Indian Rhinos were once found from Northwest India to India-Myanmar border
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