
Why is the sky blue? | Scattering of light | Rayleigh scattering

The sky in the day appears blue. Why do we only see the different shades of blue and not the other colors? Why the sun appear reddish during sunrise and sunset and yellowish during the day? All these things can be explained by just one phenomenon. What is that? Let’s find out. Why is the

Why is the sky blue? | Scattering of light | Rayleigh scattering Read More »

Percentage of oxygen in the air | oxygen at high altitudes | Ozone

The percentage of oxygen in the air is 20.95%. It is the second most prevalent gas in the atmosphere. Nitrogen is the most prevalent gas and forms 78.08% of the atmosphere. The rest is other gases mainly Argon (0.9340%) and Carbon dioxide (0.0410%). Oxygen at high altitudes We have often heard from people that as

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The four seasons on Earth | Why the Earth has seasons?

Many people think summers occur when the earth is closer to the sun. This is not true. In fact, when there are summers in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere experiences winter and vice-versa. So what causes the four seasons? Let’s read. The seasons on Earth (or any other planet) occur due to its axial

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Types of rocks | Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic

There are different types of rocks that form the Earth’s crust. On the basis of origin, these rocks can be classified as- Types of rocks 1. Igneous rocks Cooling and solidification of magma (molten material inside the Earth) form the igneous rocks. Igneous rocks have a crystalline structure and a non-layered appearance. These rocks do

Types of rocks | Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic Read More »

Types of volcanoes | Some infamous volcanic eruptions

A volcano is an opening in a planet’s crust through which hot lava, tephra, and gases come out from a magma reservoir. Magma refers to the molten or semi-molten rocks inside a planet’s surface. There are 3 types of volcanoes classified based on activity. Types of Volcanoes classified on the basis of extrusive landforms Stratovolcanoes

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Layers of the atmosphere | Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, etc.

Earth’s atmosphere is divided into 5 different layers. These layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. The layers of the atmosphere are basically divided on the basis of temperature variation with altitude. Let’s dive deep and learn a few things about each layer. Troposphere Stratosphere Why temperature rises with elevation in stratosphere? The

Layers of the atmosphere | Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, etc. Read More »

Latitude and longitude, temperature variation with latitude

Latitude and longitude are used to find the precise location of a point on Earth’s surface. Both latitude and longitude are measured in degrees which are divided into minutes which are further divided into seconds. Latitude Longitude Temperature variation with latitude Generally with the increase in latitude value north or south of the equator, the

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