
Uranus facts – orbit, physical overview, rings, moons, etc.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It is the planet with the third largest diameter, but it is the fourth heaviest after Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. The following are some interesting facts about Uranus. Let’s read. Facts about Uranus (everything you need to know) Orbit of Uranus 1.8 billion miles = 2.9 billion

Uranus facts – orbit, physical overview, rings, moons, etc. Read More »

Uranus and Neptune – planet comparison | Uranus vs Neptune

The following is a comparison between Uranus and Neptune, the last two planets in the solar system. Let’s read. Uranus vs Neptune – planet comparison Which planet is bigger, Uranus or Neptune? Uranus has a bigger diameter as compared with Neptune. Uranus is thus the third biggest planet in our solar system after Jupiter and

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Jupiter and Saturn – planet comparison | Jupiter vs Saturn

Jupiter and Saturn are the top two biggest planets in our solar system. The following is a comparison between these two planets. Let’s read. Jupiter vs Saturn – planet comparison Which planet is bigger, Jupiter or Saturn? Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Saturn is the second biggest planet. Which planet has

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10 Fun facts about the Sun – size, composition, distance, layers, etc.

Sun is a star located at the center of the Solar System. It is around the Sun that planets, asteroids, and other small astronomical bodies of the Solar System orbit. The following are some interesting facts about the Sun. Let’s read. 10 Fun facts about the Sun Size of the Sun The Sun has a

10 Fun facts about the Sun – size, composition, distance, layers, etc. Read More »

What is the time taken by sunlight to reach Earth?

The Sun is roughly 150 million kilometers (1 Astronomical unit) from the Earth. The Sunlight travels at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers/sec. By using the simple formula, “time= (distance/speed)”, we can calculate the time taken by sunlight to reach Earth. Time taken by sunlight to reach Earth = (150,000,000/3,00,000) seconds = 500 seconds = 8

What is the time taken by sunlight to reach Earth? Read More »

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